Monday, February 20, 2012

Broken Heart Syndrome

In the spirit of the Valentine's Day buzz, I decided to write about love. Have you ever been through a bad break-up and felt as if you're heart was broken? Well, you might have experienced "Broken Heart Syndrome." It sounds cheesy, but it's a real thing. Studies show that 1 in 320 who are at high risk for heart failure and 1 in 1, 400 people who are at low risk for will experience some form of heart problems due to heartbreak. These heart problems may include a stroke, heart attack, etc. So how do you really get broken heart syndrome? The people who are most at risk for getting it are grieving spouses, people with depression, or just your typical break-up. Symptoms include sleep-deprivation, neglecting to eat, or they will gorge themselves with comfort foods (such as chocolate and ice cream). The true science to this is that grieving increases cortisol levels in the blood. The grief brings on psuchological stress, an increase in heart rate, clotting, and blood pressure. These are the typical symptoms of a heart attack. For example, grieving spouses are more likely to die of a heart attack or a stroke. This accounts for more than 50% of their deaths. So what is the cure to a broken heart? Family and friend support is the best medicine.